Sunday 25 November 2007

Fish Eyes

So you think you know a thing or two about fishing? Just throw in the line and wait for the bite? Yeah, maybe if you are using line and bait. It's all luck and patience. Or maybe you can read the water and know where the fishes are? Well, I met a guy with a net on the Port Dickson beach and was quite intrigued by his skills. He can read the water and see where the schools of fishes are. Something about the fish coming up to breathe. He showed me how. And I tried. "There, there, I can see it", I shouted. Nah, that's not it, he said. He watches the water and everytime he throws the net, he gets some fish. But quite often the fishes seemed to behave as though they did go to school (that's his joke, get it? School of fish?) cause they seems to be able to anticipate his movements and zip off in the other direction as the net closes in. On a good day, he can get even up to two baskets (see the basket on his back) full of fish in one single throw. No kidding. Why does he do it? For the thrill, he says. So is there a lesson here? Ah ... mmmmh .... let me think about it a little.

So why was I in PD? I was one of the facilitators for a third workshop for an examination body looking at the futures of exams. If you want to know more, wait for our book. But is there a future for exams? Well, it will take a long time but what's coming on the horizon is a shift to less exams and more on flexible assessments. Ultimately, assessment will focus on the individual's talents and capabilities. Very one is different and assessment will move towards what the "exam people" call "profiling". Don't be alarm. It's not the sinister profiling you read about that targets specific groups of people as being security risk. It's an exciting development which we should all look forward to.

Ah, PD. I remember when we were kids in Muar. When we talk about going to the beach ... its PD. PD now is I think over-developed with too many hotels and resorts along the beach. There does not seem to be that much demand except during the weekends. I managed to rent a bicycle for an hour but I could not ride on the beach and the road was just noisy and full of speeding vehicles. So I walked on the beach (that's how I met the man with fish eyes, 2020 vision). And I came across this sign put up by the local authorities.

It says "Please Note : The damages to the bridge WILL be repaired. Any accident is your own responsibility". How long do you think the sign has been there? According to man with 2020 vision, more than one and half years. Wow! And how serious is it? See for yourself. Kids are on the bridge. Newly weds are having their photos taken. Another disaster waiting to happen.

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