Friday 17 April 2009

On the road to people-centred sustainable development

Thank you, Chef Wong, for some memorable meals. Watched by the Special Branch.

Money well spent. A few of us (yes my taskforce members) grumbled, a little, about having to spend so much money just to come here to do this workshop. But I think all of us have accepted it could not have been done any other way.

So, we are done with the workshop. Now to have earlier lunch at 12 noon. Then leave at 1.45 pm, stop at the duty shop along the way to the airport. Make a contribution to the local economy and then Firefly out to Penang. By the way, the Firefly flight Penang-Langkawi was uneventful, except for a slight turbulence. We even reached 5 minutes ahead of time. But the flight was only half full.

We started here ... where are we going?

We got energised.

"Let a million flowers bloom" and the roadmap mushroomed into two.

Along the way, one member got distracted by this.

But we produced two masterpieces.
But this is only the slow beginning.

Endnote: first we said we wanted lunch at 11.30 am, then go to Kuah and then straight to the airport. So I talked to the hotel people. And then we decided, forget Kuah, eat at 12, leave at 1.45, stop for shopping then to airport. Now the hotel tells me the transport company (which is not part of the hotel; but belongs to the same owner anyway) says cannot. Need at least two days to make those arrangements. They need to arrange for driver and all that. So, alternative take taxi to Underwater world, 5 minutes away, then come back in time for the original 2.45 pm pickup to airport. Or shop at airport. Chocolate got. Bottle shop got. Corning, corelle no. Oh, but Underwater world also no corning. Where got? Kuah town lor. Sigh. It's hard being tauyou (chinese for tour leader/guide). See you all soon.

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